son of baby boomer

As a baby boomer I grew up listening to the soft melodies and poignant lyrics of James Taylor.  He is really one of the all-stars of my generation.  This past weekend I had the great fortune of attending a concert featuring his son, Ben.  It was a wonderful concert in a small venue and I could not have been any further than 25 feet from the performer as he sung lyrics that reflected emotions and events that we have all gone through in our lives.  I was struck by the fact that even though Ben Taylor is in his 30s his audience was made up predominately baby boomers (I did not see that coming!).  As I took in the atmosphere,  I reflected on how at his young age, Ben Taylor demonstrated the traits of GRACE that I refer to in my book and elsewhere in my blogs.

Goals—his goal was to entertain, share his soft music, and have a good time.   He couldn’t have done a better job.

Roots– he cannot deny his roots, he is the son of baby boomer parents Carly Simon & James Taylor who are both phenomenal singers and songwriters. He is comfortably aware of the genes he has been given, and seems to utilized this gift to the fullest as a superb musician.

Attitude-he presented a very positive attitude and was grateful to his band, support team and the audience for making it such a great show.

Companionship/Connections —it was clear through the lyrics of his songs that he had many great relationships in his life.  He talked about the inspiration he received from his parents and sister.  He discussed staying with friends in Boulder Colorado for a month and most impressively his relationship with his friend    who had spent time in prison for a crime he did not commit.

Environment– the concert was in a small venue with a perfect atmosphere for his music.

I love that the experience of becoming a writer has allowed me to envision  the world with a wider view.  By observing various situations such as Ben Taylor & his concert,  GRACE becomes profoundly evident in the world around me.

What examples of GRACE have you observed in your network or community?  Please share with me, joining in the conversation….

Here’s to a Long and Healthy Life!

David Bernstein, MD

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