Your Employees' Journey for Health, Wellness and Longevity

This life changing course: Power of 5 Ultimate Formula – Your Journey for Health, Wellness and Longevity can help ANYONE achieve better health outcomes, for you and your employees.

  • It lays out the Power of 5 Formula in a series of videos you can watch at any time, on any device.
  • It shows how to identify gaps in personal health and wellness that tend to cause problems as we age.
  • It also reveals step-by-step, realistic strategies for FILLING those gaps and becoming much healthier versions of ourselves.
healthy working

After this course is completed, Learners will know how to: 

  • Reduce their risk for heart attacks, cancer, dementia, and more
  • Cut chronic inflammation
  • Consistently get a better night’s sleep
  • Avoid isolation and loneliness
  • Easily adopt healthier eating
  • Raise their overall fitness level

All these topics and bonus resources are presented in a straightforward, easy-to-follow, easy-to-remember style with actionable steps for making healthier lifestyle choices NOW, for both short- AND long-term benefits.

This course will benefit and can improve your workforce in the following ways:

  • Give to employees as part of their onboarding.
  • Use to complement an existing corporate wellness plan, or as an extra, standalone perk any time you choose.
  • Use it as part of your team-building efforts completed together with staff.

Take advantage of this easy and affordable opportunity to get vital health information and applicable tools into your employees’ hands.

David Bernstein MD

Meet David Bernstein MD

For 40 years as an award-winning, board-certified physician in Internal Medicine and Geriatrics, David Bernstein MD observed and advised thousands of people, and helped them achieve their goals for better health. He is now sharing his knowledge and successes with you in a 9-module, 5-hour course with valuable bonus resources.

Limited-Time, Introductory Pricing

At only $299 per employee, use the special introductory price, available for a limited time only so your company may experience the following benefits:
  • The cost is easier on your budget than giving gym memberships they may not want or use
  • It’s a healthier reward than gift cards to a restaurant where the food TASTES great, but ISN’T great for their heart, cholesterol and weight.
  • Giving this course to employees empowers them to take greater control of their present wellbeing AND their future youthfulness and vigor, starting NOW.
  • They’ll be more present and more productive.
  • They’ll have more energy to do their jobs.
  • And they’ll feel more loyalty and motivation knowing their employer values their health to go BEYOND insurance benefits and paid sick days.
To find out more about this course, and how it can make your employees and your business healthier, complete the interest form at the bottom of this page now.
blocks that spell wellness instead of stress

Here is what you and your employees will get when you take advantage of this special introductory offer:

  • 5 hours of training by David Bernstein MD and Melissa Bernstein: $1,500 Value
  • Follow up supplemental material: $100 Value
  • Bonus material: $50 Value 
  • Special healthy recipes and menus : $50 Value 
  • Quarterly group coaching: $400 Value  
  • Power of 5 Journal & quarterly newsletter: $20 Value     

A total value of $2,120 per employee. Now available for a special introductory price of $299 per employee.

Bring Health to Your Team

Find out more about the course and how it can make your employees and your business healthier. Complete the interest form and we will soon be in touch.

P.S.  Ask about customizing The Power of 5 to your organization.
P.S.S. Don’t miss out. The low introductory price won’t last forever.