Dr. Bernstein was invited to present at the First Annual Collier County Jewish Book Festival in Naples, Florida Monday, February 22, 2016. With an energetic audience full of 120 seniors and baby boomers came to hear Dr. Bernstein share what he learned from his patients about the secrets of how we all can AGE GRACEFULLY®

Dr. Bernstein’s first book, I’ve Got Some Good News and Some Bad News YOU’RE OLD  provides patient stories as he dissects the five letters of GRACE. He developed the acronym -GRACE to describe the 5 attributes found in his patients who experience happier, healthier and longer lives. GRACE stands for : Goals, Roots, Attitude, Companionship and Environment.

David in actionHow does GRACE applies to Jewish values? Dr. Bernstein explains…


Goal— Purpose— As we lead a life of holiness
Roots— Jewish Roots— As we look back and plant seeds for the future
Attitude— Gratitude— A strong message in our Jewish culture
Companionship– Community— “Tikkun Olom” which means “Repairing the world”
Environment— Maintaining a Jewish home and culture while celebrating rituals and holidays

The book festivals co-chair, and Editor Federal Star, Ted Epstein stated…”I thoroughly enjoyed your presentation and the wisdom and wit you shared with our audience. I heard many positive comments.”

His session closed with an introduction to his newly launch second book, Senior Driving Dilemmas Lifesaving Strategies .

Dr Bernstein

Dr. Bernstein delves into the topic of senior driving dilemmas with real life patient experiences…written as an informational guide to families to understand the complexities of senior driving, and unravel the nuances of the problems that might be faced as they cautiously transition their loved one from behind the wheel providing lifesaving strategies.

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