0719 Supermarket Savvy

Are you supermarket savvy, I ask? I know this may seem elementary for some of you more seasoned grocery shoppers; however, the science regarding the way grocery stores are set up is well-documented. They are designed to entice the senses of consumers.

This begins with the grocery cart. This idea was invented in 1938, and it was designed for customers to make larger purchases.

Have you ever noticed that when you walk in the store the delicious smelling baked goods and floral departments are close to the front door when your cart is empty? Smell activates salivary glands and makes you more likely to make impulse purchases. Pleasant smells put you in a good mood and make you more willing to spend.

Dairy products and other necessary items are on the back wall. Why? So you have to go through the whole store to get them!

I’m sure you have observed other shoppers going up and down the aisles doing their shopping with intent. If you look at your own shopping habits, don’t we all start shopping from the right side of the store and move towards the left? I know I do. Interestingly enough, the items you are most likely to buy are positioned on the right side of the aisle and are displayed at eye level. Bulk items are placed on the bottom shelves, and kid items are at their eye level (closer to the floor) so they bug their parents to buy the cereal and mac n’ cheese they love!

With consumer food traps around every corner, it’s easy to fall into them if you aren’t savvy about the setup of a market. It may be reaffirming to know you know your healthy way around the grocery aisles with the intention on choosing the right, healthy produce.

Do you notice music in stores when you are grocery shopping? Studies show that when slow music is played, people take their time and spend more money. Loud music makes shoppers move more quickly through the store, and classical music leads people to buy more expensive products!

Here are some tips to stay savvy while shopping and meal planning:

  • Always go with a list of items needed and stick with it. This will keep you on track so you don’t spend more than expected.
  • Consider weekly meal planning—I do my meal planning weekly prep on Sundays and prepare multiple meals for the week. This helps to keep my grocery shopping visits per week to a minimum.
  • Do not go hungry to the grocery store. Hungry shoppers tend to buy more.
  • Keep the stores setup in mind, and stay around the edges where the fruits and veggies and fresh products are displayed.

Happy, Healthy Shopping!


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