
Ben Taylor, Son of Baby Boomer, shows the Traits of GRACE with Music

I had the great fortune of attending a concert featuring Ben Taylor, son of baby boomers James Taylor & Carly Simon… it was a wonderful concert in a small venue and I could not have been any further than 25 feet from the performer as he sung lyrics that reflected emotions and events that we have all gone through in our lives. I was struck by the fact that even though Ben Taylor is in his 30s, his audience was made up predominately baby boomers (I did not see that coming!). He clearly demonstrated the traits of GRACE; Goals, Roots, Attitude, Companionship and Environment, throughout the concert.

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Living it Up to Live Longer, What I’ve Learned…Part 2

Over the years I’ve had the good fortune of having patients, friends and acquaintances who lived long lives. My inquisitive nature compelled me to ask them to elaborate on the secrets to their long lives. When I had time to reflect, I began to see certain trends.

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Living it Up to Live Longer, what I’ve Learned

Over the years I’ve had the good fortune of having patients, friends and acquaintances who lived long lives. My inquisitive nature compelled me to ask them to elaborate on the secrets to their long lives. When I had time to reflect, I began to see certain trends.

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